How I Got Here

Welcome to my life's puzzle. For most of my 36 year journey, I've felt like a novice jigsaw puzzler. There is a beautiful picture displayed before me, but a million tiny pieces scattered about. It starts out looking mostly like a chaotic mess. Assembling the pieces requires patience, perseverance and faith, but in time they begin to fit together one by one. The first 26 years or so were spent finding my straight edges - in that time the Lord began to form a border that would frame my life. Suddenly, within the past ten years, the pieces are forming a middle. I can begin to see the picture. The Lord sweeps me off my feet and I discover that life without faith is no longer an option. A piece falls into place. I have a longstanding passion for health, food and fitness. I also have a longstanding battle with eating disorders. Five years ago nobody on Earth knew this. Three years ago the Lord removes a veil to reveal truths I never imagined and set me on a journey toward freedom. He's taking me down a fascinating path toward discovering self-love, accepting His love for me, and exploring the radiance He has always had in mind for my life. A piece falls into place. Last year my husband was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease and my son was told no more gluten, egg, dairy, or corn. I am now acutely aware of why food has been such an important part of my life and begin to view it very differently as I work to "heal" my family. A piece falls into place. The Lord has ever so kindly, sometimes gently, sometimes firmly, sometimes hilariously directed me to this very point in my life. It is with great anticipation that I keep my eyes firmly planted on the stunning image on the box cover. Thanks for joining with me as I continue putting the pieces together.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Quinoa - the seed with a funny name and why you should be eating it!

Quinoa (pronounced Keen-wah), or in the words of my husband, "Keen-what?!" You may have never heard of this interesting food, or maybe you've heard of it but never tried it. We've been eating Quinoa for years, but I've never explored all of it's possibilities - until recently. The past couple of weeks, I've been experimenting with it more. You can expect to see more Quinoa recipes coming! If you're unfamiliar with it, jump on the Quinoa wagon with me! It's an amazingly nutritious food. Though it's often referred to as a grain (mostly because of how you prepare it), technically, Quinoa is a seed. It's high in protein, calcium and iron, and is considered a complete protein because it contains all eight of the essential amino acids. You can cook it and serve it like rice or use it in salads. Also available are Quinoa flakes that can be used for cooking or breakfast, and quinoa flour (cue future recipes!). Or, I've been making Quinoa "meal" by grinding up the seeds in a coffee bean grinder. This is a tiny seed with big potential! I've been getting requests for breakfast ideas. Next week I'll devote a post solely to breakfast, but in the meantime try these protein packed gluten-free, vegan quinoa breakfast cookies!

Gingerbread Quinoa Breakfast Cookies (adapted from

2 tbsp ground flax
6 tbsp almond milk
4 tbsp almond butter
1/4 c molasses
2 tsp vanilla
2 c ground quinoa meal
1 tsp baking powder
2 tbsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp allspice
1/8 tsp nutmeg
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 c water (if too dry slowly add more until you have a nice thick, moist dough)
Healthy pinch of sea salt
1/2 c raisins

Mix all ingredients expect raisins. Once well blended into a moist, stiff dough, fold in raisins. Form into cookies. Bake at 350 for 20-25 minutes or until firm and outside is crisp. Enjoy!

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