How I Got Here

Welcome to my life's puzzle. For most of my 36 year journey, I've felt like a novice jigsaw puzzler. There is a beautiful picture displayed before me, but a million tiny pieces scattered about. It starts out looking mostly like a chaotic mess. Assembling the pieces requires patience, perseverance and faith, but in time they begin to fit together one by one. The first 26 years or so were spent finding my straight edges - in that time the Lord began to form a border that would frame my life. Suddenly, within the past ten years, the pieces are forming a middle. I can begin to see the picture. The Lord sweeps me off my feet and I discover that life without faith is no longer an option. A piece falls into place. I have a longstanding passion for health, food and fitness. I also have a longstanding battle with eating disorders. Five years ago nobody on Earth knew this. Three years ago the Lord removes a veil to reveal truths I never imagined and set me on a journey toward freedom. He's taking me down a fascinating path toward discovering self-love, accepting His love for me, and exploring the radiance He has always had in mind for my life. A piece falls into place. Last year my husband was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease and my son was told no more gluten, egg, dairy, or corn. I am now acutely aware of why food has been such an important part of my life and begin to view it very differently as I work to "heal" my family. A piece falls into place. The Lord has ever so kindly, sometimes gently, sometimes firmly, sometimes hilariously directed me to this very point in my life. It is with great anticipation that I keep my eyes firmly planted on the stunning image on the box cover. Thanks for joining with me as I continue putting the pieces together.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

You Ate What???

So, most of the time I just blog about one single recipe or "thing" I'm eating and/or enjoying. Interestingly however, I've received a recurring request from a handful of people all in the same week. This makes me think maybe I'm "supposed to" follow that lead. The request - will you post exactly what you eat during the day? Just show me what you've eaten. OK! I can do that!

I'm thoroughly enjoying the food I'm eating and the "style" of eating in my life right now. I hope you do too!

Here's what went into my belly today!
Breakfast - a "broccoflower pancake". Shredded super thinly a handful of broccoli, cauliflower, and red onion, tossed around in an egg, added a tiny bit of cheddar cheese (if you're vegan leave out, would still be good. Or, would be delightful with goat cheese!), smashed together in a skillet until well set and brown on one side, flip, eat!! Yumma!!! I put a little hot sauce on it, added half a slice of gluten-free bread with a little shmear of almond butter and yerba mate tea. Heaven.

Mom was here with my peeps, so I went for a good run. Needed a little post-run fuel so I had a smoothie that's not pictured here. It consisted of 1/4 banana, 1 cup unsweetened almond milk, 1/2 scoop Life's Basics vegan vanilla protein, and a small handful frozen fruit.

Lunch - spicy tuna cucumber sandwiches. Combined half can tuna (get the good stuff! I love Wild Planet tuna...worth the price!), small scoop cream cheese, spicy mustard, onion powder, pepper, little hot sauce, scooped it onto cucumber slices.


And a few of these beauties!

Plus a bite of protein brownies leftover from last night for dessert!

That kept me happy until nap time. Enter my current FAVORITE snack! I could eat this everyday (ummm...actually I have been)! A generous helping of roasted cauliflower with sea salt and pepper, dipped in natural ketchup. Yes please! (Also munched on half a chicken patty, and a small spoonful of almond butter while these cooked). 

Time for dinner! I LOVE a dinner that only requires three ingredients! This is a super easy, yummy way to cook up chicken! Chicken breasts, combine coconut milk, teriyaki sauce and cilantro, pour over chicken, cook and serve!

Served mine with a lovely salad and was a HAPPY woman!

(Arugula, orange bell pepper, cucumber, beets, avocado, goat cheese)

And now, my loves are bathed and tucked soundly into bed, so this mama is kickin' it with my man and a lovely glass of pinot! There you have it! That's what this sista' ate today, share with me your yummy eats!!

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